New York State Legislature Passes New Spousal Support Law
On June 24, 2015, the New York State Senate passed a Bill that will change the duration and amount of temporary and post-divorce spousal maintenance (alimony) in New York State. The Bill passed the State Assembly on June 15th. The Bill awaits signature by Governor Cuomo. The law will only apply to divorce cases filed […]
Read MoreNew Jersey Divorce Law Changed – No More Permanent Alimony
While our practice does not include New Jersey cases, many of our clients and colleagues have friends and family in the Garden State. We want to make them aware of a major change in the New Jersey alimony rules just enacted into law. On September 10, 2014, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed a new […]
Read MoreIRA’s And Other Retirement Accounts To Be Curtailed Under Obama’s 2014 Budget?
Are there potential big changes coming to retirement planning ? Maybe. The Wall Street Journal reported in its April 14, 2013 online edition that within President Barack Obama’s budget for fiscal year 2014, are proposed changes that would impact Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA’s) and other tax deferred savings plans, including 401(k) plans. The proposal to […]
Read MoreFiscal Cliff Legislation Provides Permanent Estate Tax Relief
According to summaries being reported thus far, the Fiscal Cliff legislation that passed on January 1, 2013 will implement permanent estate tax relief. Federal Estate Tax will not be required on inheritances of up to Five Million ($ 5,000,000) Dollars. Married couples may be permitted to add their exemptions together, to avoid paying tax on […]
Read MoreExpanded Definitions Of “Estate” For Medicaid Recovery Repealed In New York
Dear Clients, Friends and Colleagues: Good news for all New York residents who face long term care needs, and may need to seek medicaid. We were notified today by the New York State Bar Association that on March 27, 2012, the New York State Legislature voted to repeal the regulations utilizing an expanded definition of […]
Read MoreDomestic Abuse
Having been involved in family law disputes for two decades, I have seen the horror of domestic abuse, including a young woman who was killed by her husband, one who was raped and severely beaten, and countless others, including men, women, children and seniors, who were otherwise abused physically, emotionally or financially. My daughter Grace […]
Read MoreNo-Fault Divorce Finally A Reality In New York
It was announced today (August 16, 2010) by Governor Paterson’s office that Governor Paterson signed into law a package of four bills that would bring significant reform to New York’s outdated divorce laws. In particular, the Governor signed into law A.9753A/S.3890, which would make New York the last State of the fifty to adopt no-fault […]
Read MoreEmployers Must Give Notice To New Employees Of Pay Rate In Writing As Of Oct. 26, 2009
Note For Employers New Law Effective October 26, 2009 The Labor Law In New York [Sec. 195(1)]Requires New Employees To Get Written Notice Of Their Pay Rates Effective October 26, 2009, New York law now requires employers to provide a special notice to new employees about their pay. Newly hired employees must be given written […]
Read MoreNY Divorce Law Amended
New York Divorce Law Amended Automatic Restraining Orders Against Transfer Of Assets Immediately In Effect When Divorce Case Started A new law has gone into effect for New York divorce cases as of September 2009. Starting September 1, 2009 automatic orders will now immediately go into effect whenever someone is served with both a summons […]
Read MoreFailure To Pay Child Support Now A Crime In New York
The New York Legislature is intent on getting far more serious with “deadbeat” parents who do not pay child support. Effective November 1, 2008, failure to pay child support may mean criminal problems for the “deadbeat” parent. The Legislature amended New York Penal Law § 260.05(2), effective November 1, 2008, as follows: Pursuant to New […]
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